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甜瓜亲笔 衷心地感谢雷霆粉丝

时间: 2018-06-01 16:23; 作者: 作文网 


Thank You, OKC 谢谢你,奥克拉荷马城 I know it was only one season, but from the time I arrived in OKC,I was greeted with so much love from The Team,The Organization,and of course the INCREDIBLE fans of this amazing city. 我知道虽然我在这里仅仅呆了一个赛季,但从我抵达这座神奇城市的那一刻,我受到了来自球队,俱乐部的热烈欢迎,当然,还有这里超棒的球迷。 Throughout the entire season, game after game, you cheered me on and rooted for us as a team. That is something I will always cherish and never forget. That genuine support kept me going all season long. 过去一整个赛季里,每一场比赛,你们为球队加油,也激励着我前进。我将永远珍惜和永远铭记这些。你们真诚的支持让我整个赛季都勇往直前。 IN LIFE, I've learned that things don't always turn out how you want. I wanted nothing more than to make it work here & help bring this city a championship. I'm sorry it didn't work out while I was here. 在生活中,我认识到事情并非往往如你所愿。我想做的只是努力发挥光热,为这座城市带来一个冠军奖杯。但我很抱歉,在这一年里,我没能做到。

Thank you to Russ, PG, Sam Presti, Coach Billy Donovan, my trainers and the entire staff who work so hard and diligently at Chesapeake Energy Arena and the practice facility. 非常感谢威少、泡椒、普莱斯蒂、多诺万教练、我的训练师和所有的职员。感谢你们在切萨皮克能源球馆里和训练场上兢兢业业,努力工作。 I appreciate you all very much. Last but not least, Thank You to (Thunder part-owner and chairman) Mr. (Clay) Bennett for believing in me. 我真的非常感激你们。最后,感谢(雷霆队的股东和主席)本内特先生对我的信任。 This chapter of my career may be coming to an end but my story is far from over. 我职业生涯的这一章将走向尾声,但我的故事还将继续书写下去。 Love Always. STAYME7o 爱你们的,甜瓜

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