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时间: 2018-07-01 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

August 12, Got7 member-Hong Kong rapper Jackson Wang won the Choice Next Big Thing award at the Teen Choice Awards 2018. 八月十二日, Got7组合成员——香港说唱歌手王嘉尔夺得2018年青少年选择奖的“明日大咖”奖项。 Got7, the boy-group consisting of JB, JinYoung, Mark, Jackson, YoungJae, BamBam and YuGyeom Started out in 2014. Got7这一男子组合于2014年出道,成员包括林在范(JB)、朴珍荣(JinYoung)、段宜恩、王嘉尔、崔荣宰、BamBam、金有谦。 Jackson Wang, who's enjoying a burgeoning solo career with singles such as Papillion and Okay, won the Choice Next Big Thing award, seeing off the competition that included Black Pink, Jacob Sartorious, MattyBRaps, NCT and Stray. 凭借《巴比龙》和《Okay》等单曲,王嘉尔的个人歌手的生涯熠熠发光。他赢得了“明日大咖”奖项,打败了其他候选人 Black Pink(韩国流行女团)、雅格?萨特里厄斯、MattyBRaps(又名马修?莫里斯)、NCT及Stray。 In other awards, with BTS the K-Pop band winning the Choice International Artist award, the other nominees of this award included the Black Pink, Latin boyband CNCO, South Korean-Chinese boyband EXO, K-POP bands Got7 and Super Junior.

在青少年选择奖的其他奖项中,BTS(韩国流行乐队)夺得“国际艺人”奖,该奖项其他候选人包括Black Pink(韩国流行女团)、CNCO(拉丁男团)、EXO(南韩-中国男团)、Got7(韩国流行乐男团)以及Super Junior。 In the other awards, the Choice Male Artist went to Louis Tomlinson, while Camila Cabello won the Choice Female Artist.“Havana”by Camila Cabello and“Perfect”by Ed Sheeran were the Choice Songs. 其他获奖情况还包括:路易斯·汤姆林森获得“最佳男艺人”奖,卡米拉·卡贝洛成“最佳女艺人”。“最佳单曲”则是出自女歌手卡米拉·卡贝洛的《Havana》及男歌手艾德·希兰的《Perfect》。 Marvel was the clear winner in the film category, with Avengers: Infinity War winning the Choice Action Movie, Robert Downey Jr winning the Choice Action Movie Actor, Scarlett Johansson winning in the Actress category, Black Panther's Letitia Wright winning the Choice Sci-Fi Movie Actress and Chris Hemsworth winning the Actor category for Thor: Ragnarok. 电影类别的大赢家无疑是漫威——《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》获奖“最佳动作片”,小罗伯特·唐尼和斯嘉丽·约翰逊分别摘得 “最佳动作片男演员”及“最佳动作片女演员”的桂冠;《黑豹》中的莉蒂娅·莱特获封“最佳科幻片女主角”,《雷神3:诸神黄昏》中的克里斯·海姆斯沃斯则是“最佳科幻片男主角”。

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