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走后门? 特朗普岳父母宣誓成为美国公民!

时间: 2018-05-21 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

President Donald Trump's parents-in-law have become US citizens in a private ceremony. 在举行一场私人仪式后,唐纳德·特朗普总统的岳父岳母已经正式成为美国公民。 Viktor and Amalija Knavs, Melania Trump's Slovenian-born parents, took the oath of citizenship in New York last Thursday, their lawyer confirmed. 梅拉尼娅的生父母维克托·克纳夫斯和阿马利娅·克纳夫斯的律师证实,二人于上周四在纽约宣誓入籍成为美国公民。 He said the pair had been living in the US on green cards sponsored by Mrs Trump. 该律师表示,这对夫妇一直住在美国,他们的绿卡是由特朗普夫人赞助的。 President Trump has railed against family-based or "chain" immigration in the past. He argues instead for a merit-based system prioritising professionals over relatives, and has drawn criticism for his vocal attacks on immigration laws and immigrants. 特朗普总统过去一直反对以家庭为基础的移民或“链式”移民。他主张以特长为基础的制度,优先考虑专业人士而不是亲戚,并因其对移民法和移民的口头攻击而受到批评。

Melania Trump became a US citizen in 2006, after entering the US on a coveted Einstein visa for people of "extraordinary ability" in 2001 when she was working as a model. 2001年,梅拉尼娅·特朗普凭“非凡能力”,以令人垂涎的爱因斯坦签证进入美国,当时她的工作是模特。之后她于2006年正式成为一名美国公民。 Under US immigration law, Melania's parents would need to have had green cards for at least five years before they could apply for citizenship. 根据美国移民法,梅拉尼娅的父母在申请公民身份之前至少需要持有绿卡五年。 According to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website, an average naturalisation application in New York takes between 11 and 21 months and is dependent on numerous character and residency requirements. 根据美国公民和移民服务网站的数据,纽约的平均入籍申请需要11到21个月,并且取决于许多品行和居住要求。 Their lawyer Michael Wildes -- who attended the ceremony with them -- told reporters outside they had met the five year condition but refused to give more details, according to the New York Times. 据《纽约时报》报道,二人的律师迈克尔·威尔德斯与他们一起出席了仪式,并告诉记者他们已经满足了五年的条件,但拒绝提供更多细节。

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