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调查显示 国人需储蓄182万元养老

时间: 2018-05-24 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

People need at least 1.82 million yuan of savings for retirement, a new survey shows. 一项新调查显示,国人为养老至少需要储存182万元。 However, more than half of young Chinese have not yet started saving. Many choose to depend on their national pension, but know little about the government-run pension system, according to the China Pension Outlook Report, released by Ant Financial and Fidelity International. 根据蚂蚁金服和富达国际近日发布的《中国养老前景调查报告》显示,然而超过半数的年轻人尚未开始储蓄,许多人选择依靠国家养老金,但却对政府的养老金体系知之甚少。 The findings are based on a survey of 28,440 respondents on the Ant Fortune platform, with 95% of respondents coming from China's first- to fourth-tier cities, and 75% being young people aged between 18 and 35. 该调查结果是基于对蚂蚁财富平台上28440名受访者进行的调查得出的,其中95%的调查对象来自国内一线至四线城市,75%的受访者为18-35岁的年轻人。 The survey found the average retirement age is 58, and 54% of respondents said they had not started saving for retirement. 这项调查发现,当下平均退休年龄为58岁,54%的受访者没有开始为退休而储蓄。

Taking investments out of consideration, respondents think they need at least 1.82 million yuan in cash savings to retire. For young people aged below 35, the figure is set at 1.63 million yuan. 不考虑投资因素的话,受访者普遍认为他们需要至少182万元现金积蓄才能退休。至于对年龄低于35岁的年轻人来说,这个数字被定为163万元。 Among young people who have not started saving, 40% planned to start at the age of 40. They also hoped to retire at 57 -- meaning they would only have 17 years to achieve their saving goals. 在尚未开始储蓄的年轻人中,有40%的人计划从40岁开始储蓄。他们希望退休的年龄为57岁,这意味着他们只有17年的时间实现其储蓄目标。 From China's first-tier to fourth-tier cities, the proportion of those who have not prepared for their retirement savings remained generally stable, at 53% to 55%. 从中国的一线城市到四线城市,没有为退休之后的生活做好储蓄准备的人的比例保持普遍稳定,在53%到55%之间。

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