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时间: 2018-06-17 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

If you want to know where next year’s most in-demand travel destination may be, just look at the next few month’s releases of movies and TV shows. 如果你想知道明年最热门的旅游景点是哪些,只需看看接下来几个月上映的电影和电视剧便可知晓。 The “set-jetting” trend—travelers seeking out destinations they’ve seen in movies and shows—seems to be having a bit of a moment, and tourism boards are scrambling to make the most of it. 所谓的“取景地旅游”指的是游客去电影和电视剧中的取景地游览,这股“取景地打卡”风潮近来似乎风头很劲,各地旅游局也都争相利用这一热潮。 The Croatian island of Vis eagerly anticipated the so-called “Mamma Mia effect”; Game of Thrones has irrevocably changed tourism in the ancient Croatian city of Dubrovnik; and with last week’s release of Crazy Rich Asians, the Singapore tourism board ramped up its efforts to lure set-jetters eager to experience the lavish lifestyle depicted in the film. 克罗地亚维斯岛正热切地期待着所谓的“妈妈咪呀效应”;《权力的游戏》一剧已经永远地改变了克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克古城的旅游业;上周《摘金奇缘》上映后,新加坡旅游局也开始卖力招揽想要体验电影中奢华生活方式的游客。 Set-jetting is not a new phenomenon. The sets in the Tunisian desert that director George Lucas built for the planet of Tatooine in the first Star Wars film have been the site of fan pilgrimages for decades. 到取景地旅游不是什么新鲜事。导演乔治·卢卡斯在突尼斯沙漠为《星球大战》第一部中的塔图因星球搭建的布景几十年来一直是粉丝们的朝圣之地。 A Guardian article from 2005 reports that “27% of Britons say they have chosen holiday destinations as a result of reading about them in a novel or seeing them in a movie or TV series.” And of course cities like New York, LA, and London have always lured set-jetters, thanks to the sheer number of screen-based storylines that take place there. But today’s dizzying array of content seems to be making the trend go wild, with higher quality television series appearing on more platforms serving as inspiration. 《卫报》2005年的一篇文章报道称“27%的英国人表示,自己选择到某个地方去度假是因为之前在小说或影视剧中看到过”。当然,纽约、洛杉矶和伦敦总是会吸引大量取景地游客,以这些大城市为背景的剧本实在太多了。眼花缭乱的旅游资讯轰炸,再加上更多平台上涌现出的高质量电视剧提供了灵感来源,这一潮流变得一发不可收拾。 The prime example of this, of course, is the aforementioned Game of Thrones. In addition to Croatia, the series was filmed in parts of Spain, Northern Ireland, and Iceland, a country that saw a staggering increase in tourism in the past ten years—no doubt spurred in part by the series. 一个绝佳的例子便是前面提到的《权力的游戏》。除了克罗地亚以外,该剧还在西班牙、北爱尔兰和冰岛的部分地区取景。过去十年间,冰岛的旅游业迅猛发展,无疑有一部分是拜《权游》所赐。 In addition, Vogue reported that Monterey, California had seen a bump in tourism since Big Little Lies premiered (those visitors might be disappointed to learn that much of it was filmed in Malibu and Big Sur); and the British seaside region of Cornwall has had an influx of international visitors thanks to the BBC period drama series Poldark. 此外,据《Vogue》杂志报道,自从电视剧《大小谎言》播出后,去加州蒙特利的游客数量大增(不过游客要是知道该剧大部分都是在马里布和大苏尔拍摄的,恐怕会感到失望);英国临海的康沃尔郡有大批海外游客涌入也是因为BBC年代剧《波尔达克》。 It’s tempting to blame set-jetting for the crisis of overtourism that seems to be gripping some of the same cities where it’s so visible. Indeed, some recent articles have done just that. But in fact, the crisis of overtourism has much more to do with the increasing accessibility of global travel, and the failure of governments to regulate the tide of tourism. It’s a confluence of factors that has nothing to do with movies or TV shows: low-cost carriers offering low fare tickets; the rise of China’s middle class; currency fluctuations; the ever-increasing capacity of mega cruise ships; and the ubiquity of a largely unregulated Airbnb. 一些著名的取景地城市似乎正面临着过度旅游的危机,取景地旅游热潮也因此成为“背锅侠”。确实,最近很多文章都在批判这一现象。但事实上,过度旅游危机更多的是因为出国旅游变得更容易,以及政府未能调控好游客流量。这是多个因素共同作用的结果,而不能归咎于电影或电视剧。导致过度旅游的因素包括:低成本航空公司提供了廉价机票;中国中产阶级的崛起;货币汇率波动;大型游轮的载客量越来越大;几乎不受监管的爱彼迎短租房无处不在。

Sure, a blockbuster set in a sleepy seaside town can send it a hoard of obnoxious cinephile tourists, but locals may welcome that business. And ultimately, if art opens the world up and inspires people to explore it—that’s not such a bad thing. 诚然,一部卖座大片会给一座宁静的海边小镇送去一大群讨厌的影迷游客,但当地人也可能会欢迎旅游业兴旺带来的商机。说到底,如果艺术能让世界变得开放,启发人们去探索这个世界,这未尝不是一件好事。

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