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时间: 2018-05-28 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

PET shops could be banned from selling puppies and kittens under plans unveiled by ministers last night. 自8月21日晚起,英部长下令:宠物店禁止出售宠物。 Anyone buying or adopting a pet less than six months old will have to deal directly with the breeder or a rescue centre under the proposed ban. 禁令规定:购买或者领养6个月以下的宠物应直接和饲养员或宠物救助中心联系。 The move aims to reduce serious health problems and socialisation issues which afflict pets kept in poor conditions by unscrupulous, profit-driven breeders. 此举旨在减少健康隐患以及相关的社会问题,因为有些饲养者缺乏道德感、或由利益驱使,把宠物饲养在恶劣的环境下。 It comes on the back of the prominent Lucy's Law campaign which calls for an immediate halt to the sale of young pets by third-party commercial dealers. 本法令是由著名的Lucy's Law运动推动从而实施,该运动呼吁即刻叫停第三方买卖幼崽。

Environment Secretary Michael Gove paid tribute to the campaign, saying: “A ban on third-party sales will ensure the nation's much-loved pets get the right start in life.People who have a complete disregard for pet welfare will no longer be able to profit from this miserable trade.” 环境部部长高夫对此举表示赞扬,他说:“禁止通过第三方买卖宠物会让宠物们有个更好的开始。那些无视宠物福利的人将不能从交易中获利。” A petition supporting Lucy's Law has been signed by nearly 150,000 people and was debated in Parliament in May. 今年5月份,15万人共同签署了一份名为Lucy's Law的倡议书并递交到议会进行商讨。 Marc Abraham, of the Pup Aid campaign, said irresponsible breeders have for years used third parties to keep themselves hidden from the buying public and the proposed ban will make all breeders accountable. 宠物救助运动负责人亚伯拉罕说,这些年来一些不负责任的饲养者通过第三方隐姓埋名,这项法案可以增加饲养者的可信度。 Paula Boyden, veterinary director at the Dogs Trust, welcomed the move but said additional steps were needed to safeguard the health of pets. 全国犬防御协会的兽医部主任保拉对此举表示热烈欢迎,但她也表示,还需要采取其他额外的措施来保障宠物健康。

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