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时间: 2018-06-05 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Unless you've been living under a rock, it's hard to ignore the family drama Meghan Markle has been dealing with relating to the nasty public interviews from her father, Thomas Markle, half-sister, Samantha Grant, and half-brother, Thomas Markle, Jr. 除非你生活在岩石地下,不然你不可能不知道,梅根马克尔的家庭闹剧,好事的媒体采访她的爸爸托马斯马克尔,同父异母的姐姐,还有同父异母的哥哥小托马斯马克尔。 Naturally, the interviews and rumors also affect the royal family as a whole. However, the Queen reportedly only has sympathy for her new granddaughter. 一般来说,这些采访和留言会影响整个皇室家庭。不过,女王对这个孙媳妇却只有同情。 “What may surprise some is just how supportive Her Majesty has been during the problems Meghan has faced with her family,” says a Buckingham Palace source, according to US Weekly. 根据《美国周刊》的报道,白金汉宫内部消息“在梅根面对家庭问题的时候,令人感到惊讶的是女王对梅根的支持。” “Meghan is in a tough place, and the Queen knows it's completely out of Meghan's hands. She has only sympathy for what's been a difficult and distressing situation for her.” “梅根处在一个困难的境地,女王知道这些梅根没办法控制,对于梅根艰难又有压力的处境女王只有同情她。” Thomas Markle has held no shortage of interviews with the press about his estranged relationship with his daughter. 托马斯不停地接受媒体的采访,告诉媒体和分居女儿的关系。

Meanwhile, there's half-sister Samantha Grant, who accused Meghan of ignoring her father and lashed out at Chrissy Teigen along the way (fun times). Then there's Meghan's half-brother, Thomas Markle, Jr., who somehow blames Prince Harry for the entire thing. Despite Meghan's troubled relationship with three of her family members, she is still very close to her mother, Doria Ragland. 而且,同父异母的姐姐Samantha Grant指责梅根不管父亲的死活,顺便还猛烈抨击了Chrissy Teigen(这波操作很搞笑)。然后是梅根同父异母的哥哥,把所有的问题归结于哈里王子。尽管梅根和三个家人关系不好,但是和母亲Doria Ragland还是非常亲近的。 So yes, it's a lot for Meghan to deal with as she adjusts to her new life in the Palace. But with the support of her new grandmother, it should make things a bit easier for the Duchess. “While Meghan and the Queen come from two very different backgrounds and generations, there's a warmth between the two that’s genuine and loving,” says the source. 所以不得不承认,梅根要面对很多事情,入宫以后还要调整自己的新生活,不过有了“新奶奶”的支持,公爵夫人轻松不少。“女王和梅根成长的背景不同,辈分不同,两人之间的真诚和关爱还是非常温暖人的。”

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