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时间: 2018-05-30 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Have you always dreamed of escaping to an island with nothing but cats for company? Well, now's your chance. 你是否一直梦想只身逃往一座小岛,只与猫咪为伍?如今你的机会来了。 God's Little People Cat Rescue, based in a secluded nature preserved area on the Greek island of Syros, is looking for someone to look after 55-70 cats for while the sanctuary's owner, Joan Bowell, is away. “神的小精灵猫咪救援”避难所位于希腊锡罗斯岛上一处与世隔绝的自然保护区里,目前正在寻找在避难所主人琼·鲍威尔不在期间能够照看这里55-70只猫咪的人。 Nearly 1,000 Britons applied for the role after the announcement posted by Bowell on Facebook last week went viral. Veterinarians, doctors and even refugees applied. 上周,鲍威尔在脸书上贴出的这则招聘启事走红网络,近千名英国人应聘这一职位。兽医、医生甚至连难民都纷纷递交申请。

"You'll no doubt thrive best if you are the type of person who appreciates nature and likes tranquility," the job advert says. 该招聘广告上写道:“如果你是那种欣赏自然、喜欢宁静的人,那么无疑你会很喜欢这个工作的。” Boswell said suitable candidates will be interviewed via Skype at the end of August. 鲍威尔称,将于8月底通过Skype对适合的候选人进行面试。 The position comes with a salary up to EUR600 a month, with bills, housing and veterinary expenses paid, amounting to four hours of work per day, starting Nov 1, after a voluntary two-week transition period in October. 这份工作月薪600欧元、报销账款、住房和兽医费用、每天总共工作4小时。应聘者将在10月做两周义工作为过渡,11月1日正式上岗。

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