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时间: 2018-05-27 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

There are some people in the world that are just plain annoying. From the guy that parks in your spot all the way up to the boss that does everything he can to make your life miserable, we all have to deal with horrible people once in awhile. Here's how to do it best. 世界上有那么一些人就是会令人恼火。从那个总是把车停到你的车位上的人到那个尽其所能让你的生活凄惨的老板,我们有时候不得不与讨厌的人打交道。这里有如何与他们相处的方法。 10. The Grocery Store Douchebag 便利店混蛋 It's a small annoyance to be sure, but there's always that one person at the grocery store who just grinds your gears. The guy who steals your parking spot, then takes the last box of Dunkaroos, then cuts in line in front of you. 诚然这只是一个小烦恼,但便利店里总是会有一个让你厌烦的人。这个人偷用你的停车位,而且拿走了最后一盒Dunkaroos曲奇,然后还在你前面插队。 If you aren't the uber-patient type, we've shared some tips about how to deal with an asshole parker and how to deal with people that cut in line. 如果你不是非常有耐心的人,我们与你分享几条如何与那些令人讨厌的占用车位者以及那些插队的人交涉的窍门。 Before You Do Anything, Calm Down. 在你做任何事之前先冷静下来。 Creatively Inform the Parker of Their Infraction. 创造性地通知占用车位者有违规行为。 In Extreme Situations, File a Complaint. 在极端的情况下,提出申诉。 Though if it actually is the same person that does both of those things, they're probably just a jerk and you're better off stealing their Dunkaroos. 但如果做这两件事的实际上是同一个人,那么他们可能就是个混蛋,你最好拿走他们的Dunkaroos曲奇。 9. The Sloppy Roommate 邋遢的室友 Finding a good roommate can be a crapshoot. Sometimes, you just end up with a slob and have to learn to live with it. But, before you get all huffy, try to solve things amicably. 找一个好室友是一件需要碰运气的事。有时候你最终要与一个懒惰又邋遢的人共处,而且你不得不学着与其相处。在你发怒之前,试着友好地解决问题。 There are a lot of things you can do to make the situation better (and become a better roommate yourself). 为了使处境变得更好,有很多事你都可以去做,(而且你自己要先成为一个更好的室友)。 Don’t nag. 不要抱怨。 Talk about what needs to be done. 把需要做的事情讲出来。 Use a shared to-do list. 一起做一张任务清单。 Of course, if it gets really bad, then you can think about evicting them. 当然如果一切变得很糟,那你可以考虑把他们赶出去。 8. The Negative, Irrational Arguer 否定对手且毫无理性的辩论者 Whether is one of your close friends or that guy in your office that just wants to pick a fight, we all know someone who's overly negative and just likes to argue. 不论他是你的好朋友之一还是你办公室里的那位只想挑衅的同事,我们都会认识一个极度否定对手且只喜欢争论的人。 Dealing with their negativity is the first step to cohabitation, but once they actually get you roped into an argument, you're on different ground. In those cases, you're better off getting out of the argument rather than spurring it on, no matter how irrational they are (and no matter how much you know you're right). 控制他们的负面情绪是合作的第一步,但一旦他们真的引诱你陷入一场争论之中,你就站在了不同的立场上。在那样的情况下,不论他们有多荒谬,(不论你认为自己有多正确,)你最好避开争论而不是激化它。 Though...you should make sure you are right, first. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. 不过,你首先应确保自己是对的,毕竟就算是坏掉的钟在一天之中也会有两次是准确的。 7. The Overbearing Family Member 专横的家人 No matter how much you love your family (or friends), we all know a few people that can just get a little high maintenance from time to time and stress you out. 不论你多爱自己的家人(或朋友),我们都会认识几位经常让你费神且倍感压力的人。 The best thing you can do is set clear boundaries so they don't get under your skin too much. But, seeing as that isn't always an option, you'll also need to learn how to deal with that kind of stress when you're forced to be around them for long periods of time. 最好的办法就是设定明确的界限,这样他们就不会太让你看不惯。但是,鉴于你并非一直有选择的自由,你也需要学会解决被迫长时间呆在他们身边的那种压力。 Just remember to choose your battles wisely. 只是记住要明智地去较量。 6. The Chronically Late Friend 习惯迟到的朋友 Sometimes, even our best friends can be annoying. We probably all have at least one friend that's late to everything, and while it seems like a minor annoyance, it can occasionally cause bigger problems—not to mention it's just plain rude. 有时候,甚至是我们最好的朋友也可能会令人恼火。我们可能都会有至少一位总是迟到的朋友,虽然这似乎只是个小烦恼,但有时候却会引起更大的问题,更不用说这显然很无礼。 You guys have offered a lot of suggestions for dealing with chronically late friends, and if you're feeling a little evil, you can go radio silent to really teach them a lesson. 对于如何应付习惯性迟到的朋友,你们给出了许多建议,如果你觉得这有点邪恶,你可以默不作声地给他们一个教训。 We've also talked about how to fix your own chronic lateness, and you might offer some of that advice to your friends as well—but be sure not to sound like a jerk when you do it. 我们也讨论了如何解决你自己习惯性迟到的问题,你也可以把这些建议提供一部分给你的朋友,但你要确保自己提建议的时候不会听起来很恼人。 5. The Noisy Neighbor 吵闹的邻居 From wall-vibrating dubstep to loud late night sex, noisy neighbors always suck. Unfortunately, it's something you'll have to deal with at some point in your life if you live in apartment buildings. 从震耳欲聋的电子乐到深夜大声地啪啪啪,吵闹的邻居总是很烦人。不幸的是,如果你住在一栋公寓里,有时候你不得不应对这样的情况。 The best way to deal with a noisy neighbor is to just talk to them nicely. Often, they might not realize how loud they are, and would be happy to stop. If that isn't possible, you can take slightly more covert measures, or just contact the authorities. 应对一位吵闹的邻居,最好的方法就是礼貌地与其沟通。他们往往可能没有意识到自己有多吵,而且会很愿意停下来。如果这种方法不可行,你可以采用一些更隐蔽的方式,或者联系相关部门。 4. The Manipulative Jerk 好指使人的混蛋 So we've talked about annoying people, but what about the people that are actually mean, manipulative, or downright evil? 我们讨论了该如何应对令人讨厌的人,但那些卑鄙、好指使人或非常坏的人该如何应对呢? Sometimes these can be harder to spot, because they'll often make you feel like you're the problem. They'll play on your guilt, conceal their evil in altruism, or exploit your sympathies, and the sooner you realize what's really happening, the sooner you can begin to confront them and root them out for good. 有时候这些人可能更难发觉,因为他们往往会让你觉得自己才是有问题的那个人。他们会利用你的内疚,通过自我牺牲来掩盖他们的邪恶,或者利用你的同情心,你越早意识到实际发生的问题,你就可以越早地开始面对他们并彻底纠出他们。 Don't let them argue with you, either—if they're truly manipulative, you need to end the relationship and move on without letting them retaliate. 不要让他们与你争吵,如果他们真的好指使人,你需要断绝与他们的往来,继续过好你的生活,不要让他们报复。 3. The Horrible Boss 可怕的老板 Some people have issues with authority figures, but some authority figures just have issues. 有些人对上级领导有意见,但有些上级领导就是有问题。 If you're stuck with a truly crazy boss, it can make work a living hell, not to mention infect your personal life. 如果你无法摆脱一个非常疯狂的老板,这可能会把你的工作变成人间地狱,更不用说它可能还会影响你的个人生活。 We've shared lots of ways to deal with your crazy boss before, but it's also worth making sure you aren't just being an oversensitive employee. If you can't keep your distance, you'll have to file an official complaint. 我们以前分享过许多应付疯狂的老板的方法,但你也应该确保自己不是一个过于敏感的员工。如果你无法保持你们之间的距离,你必须正式提起申诉。 2. That Guy You Just Don't Like 你不喜欢的人 Some annoying people don't fit into any one category. Sometimes, you just plain don't like people, but you have to deal with them every day. 有些讨厌的人,你无法为其归类。有时候,你只是不喜欢他们,但你又必须每天与他们相处。 If they're truly assholes, there are ways to productively call them out on their BS(the behavior and the source of your hate), and that might be the best way to go. 如果他们真的很令人讨厌,你可以富有成效地告诉他们你讨厌的行为和问题,这也许是最好的解决方式。 For others, it may just be that you don't like them, and focusing on your own triggers can help you deal with them better. If all else fails, you can in fact tell someone you don't like them—just don't be a jerk when you do it. 对于其他人,你可能只是不喜欢他们,关注一下你自己的问题可以帮你更好地与他们相处。如果其他的方法都失败了,你其实可以告诉他们,你不喜欢他们。只是在你这样做的时候,不要让别人觉得讨厌。

1. You 你 Most of us don't think we're jerks, but occasionally, we all have our annoying tendencies. It's human nature. 我们多数人不会认为自己是混蛋,但有时候我们都有令人恼火的倾向。这是人之常情。 The key is realizing how you're annoying people. Gather critiques from your friends and family, then be open and talk it out with them. 关键在于你要意识到自己有多烦人。接受亲朋好友的批评,真诚地与他们探讨解决。 If you're really dedicated to becoming better, there are a lot of surefire strategies you can use to make sure you improve all those little idiosyncrasies that bother people, making everyone (including yourself) much happier. 如果你真的致力于变得更好,我们还有许多可靠的建议供你采纳以确保你改善那些烦人的癖好,使每个人(包括你自己)都更开心。 Ask your families and friends to offer solutions with the critique. 对于你的亲朋好友的批评,请他们给你提供一些解决的办法。 Listen and don't talk. 好好听取他们的建议,什么都不要讲。 Take the Critiques and Turn Them into Actionable Improvements. 接受别人的批评并采取行动做出改进。

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