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马努退役 德罗赞能带马刺走多远?!

时间: 2018-05-16 16:23; 作者: 作文网 


DeMar DeRozan didn't ask to be in San Antonio; he didn't plan to be, either. But it's his reality now, after Kawhi Leonard, who was supposed to be the next San Antonio great, started charting a path elsewhere. Now it's DeRozan who will have to carry the burden of being the franchise's lead option following dynastic success. 德玛尔·德罗赞并没有要求过加入马刺队,也没有这个打算。然而在被看作圣安东尼奥下一个超巨的卡哇伊·莱昂纳德去往别处开始新生涯后,一切成为了现实。现在德罗赞将肩负球队第一人的重担延续马刺王朝的成功。 Before DeRozan even steps on the court, there's pressure to fill not just the void of the player he was traded for—Kawhi Leonard—but also that of the past Spurs greats like Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, and Ginobili himself. It's an impossible hill to climb. 在德罗赞甚至还没步入球场前,他就充满了压力,不仅来自莱昂纳德交换他后球队人员的空缺,也来自马刺队过去的众多伟大球星像蒂姆·邓肯、托尼·帕克以及吉诺比利。这是一座难以逾越的高山。 Last year, in DeRozan's ninth season in the league, he shot a career-high 3.6 3s per game but made just 31 percent of them. It's not an indictment; it's a matter of fact. This is who DeRozan is, a proficient scorer in spite of the revolution around him. Now that he finds himself in San Antonio, it might just be the most Spurs thing about him. 去年,是德罗赞在联盟的第九个赛季,他场均出手生涯新高的3.6次三分球,但命中率仅有百分之三十一。这并不是控诉,只是陈述事实。这就是德罗赞,一个不管别人球风怎样变革的熟练得分手。既然已经来到圣安东尼奥,这将可能是他身上最“马刺”的事。 Without any of their cornerstones, the Spurs will have to find a way to build and enhance the roster around DeRozan—who is the closest they have to a star. It's a different world, one where DeRozan is their best player, and the rest of the team surrounding him won't do him and his style any favors. 由于没有任何其他基石,马刺将不得不围绕德罗赞建队,毕竟他是所拥有的球员中最接近球星的一个。这是一个不同的世界,在这儿德罗赞是他们最好的球员,并且围绕他的其他球员给不了他和他的球风任何帮助。

DeRozan thrives in pick-and-rolls and will need to use Aldridge's screening and spacing talents to his benefit. This will put Aldridge, who is still an offensive force in the post who can average 20 points per game, in a position to be a cog more so than a feature. Giving them both the best opportunity to thrive will be paramount to their chemistry and success. 德罗赞得益于挡拆战术,将需要依靠阿尔德里奇的掩护和空间天赋来实现他的能力。这将使得过去场均20多分的进攻火力点阿尔德里奇不再是重点,而是起齿轮一样的啮合作用。给他们两个最好的机会去成长将对他们的化学反应和成功至关重要。 DeRozan may not quite reach his predecessor's level on either end of the court, but, still, he'll give the Spurs their best shot at renewal for the time being. 德罗赞或许在攻防两端都达不到前任球员(莱昂纳德)的水平,但是目前来说他仍是马刺复兴路上的最佳得分手。 The catch is that even if DeRozan succeeds, even if working with the Spurs' coaches nets him a better 3-point shot, he'll be overshadowed both by the Spurs legends that came before him and the fact it'll be easy to praise Pop and the Spurs' system for making something memorable from a less-than-ideal roster. 问题是即使德罗赞成功了,即使在马刺教练组帮助下他有了更好的三分能力,他的成绩也会被遮盖,一方面来自他之前的马刺传奇球星,另一方面是人们很容易认为把一个不太理想的球员打造得令人难忘是波波维奇以及马刺体系的功劳。 That's just what they do. And it's why, despite all this player turnover, it's impossible to doubt Pop even when the Spurs' ceiling seems clear. 这就是马刺团队干的事情。这也是为什么,尽管有这么多球员更替,尽管马刺上限看起来似乎很清楚,也绝对不会怀疑波波维奇。

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