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库里亲笔 生而平等

时间: 2018-06-30 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

There's this miracle happening at home right now. And before it's over, I feel like I need to put it on paper — just to make sure I have some documented proof. 现在家里正在发生着一个神奇的事情。在这个奇迹结束之前,我觉得我必要把它用笔写下来——以便确保能留下这个奇迹的纸质记录。 So let the record state: 那我们现在就开始吧: Riley, our six-year-old daughter, wants to be like her parents. 莱利,我们六岁大的女儿,似乎想要成为和她父母一样的人。 I know, I know — it's not going to last forever. And I know….. that rebellious phase….. it's coming. 我当然知道这种想法不会持续很久,毕竟她的叛逆期很快就到了…… But for right now? 但现在呢? Well, we asked Riley, "Hey, Ri Ri — what do you want to be when you grow up?" 刚刚我们问莱利:“嘿,莉莉,你长大后想干什么呀? And she didn't miss a beat. "A basketball player cook." 她不假思索的回答:“我想做一个篮球运动员厨师。” Like I said, the girl is really feeling her parents these days. 就像我刚刚说的,这个小姑娘开始受到她父母的影响了。 Now I won't lie: The last time we asked, it was between "makeup artist" and "horseback rider" — so who really knows with this one. And I'm not going to pretend we have the logistics all figured out, either. Is she going to put out the cookbook first, and then start hooping? Or is she going to hoop first, and then turn to building her restaurant empire? 但事实上,上一次我们这么问她的时候,她的回答还是她想做一个化妆师或者是女骑手——谁知道这个“女骑手”真正是啥意思?我也不会装作逻辑上理解她的想法,她是想先成立自己的餐厅然后再开始打球呢,还是先学会打球再去建立她的餐饮帝国?这些问题的答案恐怕她自己也不知道。 Either way, though, the skills are there. She's dribbling 100 times in a row now, continuously — and we're working on getting the left hand up to par. (Yes, the jumper is legit.) 不论是上面哪种方式,她在技巧方面还是没问题的。莱利现在能连续不间断运球100次——我们也在努力的锻炼她的左手能力。(当然啦,她的跳投也是可以的。) And then on the cooking front, Riley's big thing is making everything: from pasta, to cake, to eggs, to….. slime. She has us set up her camera while she's doing her thing in the lab, and pretends like she hosts her own YouTube show. It's crazy. I probably wouldn't recommend eating the slime (too much glue), but her fundamentals — they're already sound: elite-level recipe-building, and a lot of really creative color choices. 在烹饪方面,莱利会去尝试制作所有的食物:从意大利面到蛋糕、鸡蛋,等等。她在做饭的时候总让我们拿着相机站在她前面,假装正在主持自己的YouTube美食频道。这简直太疯狂了。我可能不会推荐大家去品尝她做的,呃,那份黏糊糊的食物,但最起码她已经打下了坚实的基础:比如大师级别的食谱搭配以及创意十足的颜色选择。 Anyway, it's cool. And in all seriousness — to have a daughter who thinks her parents are alright enough role models that she wants to be like them … it's a blessing. But at the same time, you know, Riley arriving at that age, that age where she's really starting to come into her own as a person — it's also been a learning experience for me. 无论如何,这感觉都很棒。说句内心话,能有个女儿,且以其父母为人生楷模,乃是主的赐福。但是,同时你也知道,莱莉已经到了开始渐渐独立的年龄段——这个阶段我也需学习领会。 Growing up, I was lucky to be raised by my mom, Sonya — an incredible and fiercely principled woman who had the courage and vision to open her own school, the Christian Montessori School of Lake Norman. 成长过程中,我有幸由母亲亲手带大,索雅—很了不起,原则性很强,她拥有过人的胆识和勇气,开办了自己的学校—诺曼湖孟特索利基督学校。 And for the last seven years, I've been lucky to be married to another incredible and fiercely principled woman, in Ayesha — who is both a successful business owner and the most amazing mother to our three kids. So for my whole life, really, I feel like I've been receiving this education on what it means to be a woman in America. 过去的7年,我有幸与阿耶莎共结连理,她也是位很了不起,原则性很强的女士——即是商界的女强人,也是我们三个孩子的完美母亲。所以我这一生,真的,我感觉我一直不断学习着、感受着、理解着在美国作为一名女士的真谛。 And one lesson from that education that's really stood out to me is: to always stay listening to women, to always stay believing in women, and — when it comes to anyone's expectations for women — to always stay challenging the idea of what's right. In other words, I'd like to think that these ideas have been on my mind for a while. But even still. 这个学习过程中我感触很深的一点是:倾听女人,相信女人,——面对任何人对女人的看法——去质疑墨守陈规的观点。换句话说,我认为这些观点已经在我脑海中存留一段时间了。现在也同样没有改变。 Riley and Ryan are growing up so fast. And with Ayesha and I suddenly seeing things through the eyes of these daughters of ours, who we brought into this world, and now are raising to live in this world … you know, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the idea of women's equality has become a little more personal for me, lately, and a little more real. 莱莉和瑞恩成长的很快。我和阿耶莎将她们带到世间,抚养她们生活于此世间,透过她们的双眸我俩突然明白了一些事情,如果我不承认女性平权的观点于我相对更有个人感触,后来,变得更真实实一些,那我就是在说谎。。 I want our girls to grow up knowing that there are no boundaries that can be placed on their futures, period. I want them to grow up in a world where their gender does not feel like a rulebook for what they should think, or be, or do. And I want them to grow up believing that they can dream big, and strive for careers where they'll be treated fairly. And of course: paid equally. 我想让我的女儿长大后明白她们的未来充满一切可能。我想让她们在一个性别平等的世界长大,不必因性别不同而禁锢所思、所行、所为。我还希望她们长大后坚信她们可以追梦星海,能够追求对男女都给予平等机会的事业。当然,付出也能得到同样的回报。

And I think it's important that we all come together to figure out how we can make that possible, as soon as possible. Not just as "fathers of daughters," or for those sorts of reasons. And not just on Women's Equality Day. 我认为,我们大家聚在一起,想一想该如何做使这一切尽快变成现实,这才是最重要的。不仅仅是出于“女儿们的父亲”或者类似的原因,也不仅仅是在女性平等日这天我们才把这个话题拿出来作为谈资。 Every day — that's when we need to be working to close the pay gap in this country. Because every day is when the pay gap is affecting women. And every day is when the pay gap is sending the wrong message to women about who they are, and how they're valued, and what they can or cannot become. 我们要做的,是每一天都去为缩小这个国家的男女在付出与回报之间差距而努力。因为,回报差距时时刻刻都在影响着女性,时时刻刻都在向女性传递着错误的信息,这些信息,误导了女性对自身的价值定位。 Last week, I did something I'll never forget: I hosted a basketball camp for girls. Let's call it the "first annual," actually, because I'm definitely planning on hosting one again. It was a lot of fun — just to share a court with 200 girls who love to hoop, and watch them do their thing. 上周,我做了一件永生难忘的事:我为女孩们举办了一个篮球训练营。我们就把它暂称为“第一个年度的训练营”吧,因为我们肯定还会计划再举办的。仅仅是和200个喜欢篮球的女孩一起打球,看着她们做自己喜欢的事情,就是一件非常有趣的事。 But I think it was also something more than that. I think it was also the sort of thing that can help to shift people's perspectives. So that when someone sees an NBA player is hosting a camp, now, you know — maybe they won't automatically assume it's for boys. And so eventually we can get to a place where the women's game, it isn't "women's basketball." It's just basketball. Played by women, and celebrated by everyone. 这个活动不仅仅是有趣,我觉得它也可以帮助人们改变原有的观点。所以,当有人看到一个NBA球员正在举办训练营时,也许他们就不会下意识地认为这是为男孩举办的。最终,我们会到达一个状态,女子篮球,不会刻意被人们看做女子的篮球,而首先是篮球。只是女性来打篮球而已,每个人都享受比赛。 One thing we've always maintained about our camp, is that we want it to be world class. And in 2018? Here's the truth: You're not world class if you're not actively about inclusion. And like I said, the camp was incredible. I've never seen a more engaged group of kids. At every boys camp that I've ever been to, you've always got some kids running around, acting wild. 关于我们的训练营,我们一直坚持的一点是,希望它是世界级的。至于目前2018嘛,目前的现实是:如果我们不积极做到真正包容,那就暂时够不到世界级的标准。就像我说的,这个训练营太棒了。我从来没见过这么积极参与其中的孩子。在我参加过的每个男孩训练营中,总有一些孩子在疯狂地跑来跑去。 But this camp, these girls — they were about it. They were trying to absorb every single thing. They were running up to me after every drill, like, "Steph, Steph, I got some questions about how you trained as a kid. Can you look at my form?" It was special, man. And the girls didn't just bring it on the court, they also brought it off the court. We had a Q&A session with several successful women in sports and business, which historically have been fields dominated by men. 但是这个营地里的这些女孩们,她们都很专心。她们试图想向我汲取许多经验。每次训练结束后,他们都跑过来问我,“斯蒂芬,斯蒂芬,我想问问你小时候是怎么训练的。你能帮我看看我的姿势吗?“这还蛮特别的,兄弟。女孩们不仅把这种优秀品质带到了球场上,还把它带到了场外。我们与几位在体育和商业领域取得成功的女性进行了问答,这些领域在历史上一直由男性主导的。 And our campers blew me away with their questions. Just, like, the level of thoughtfulness and care that was flowing through them, and the maturity and nuance of it all. It really struck me. 女孩子们提出的问题简直让我大吃一惊,她们身上流露出的那种深刻的观点和看法超越了自身,这种既成熟又微妙的感觉,真真正正的在打动着我。 One of the girls — she asked Ariel Johnson Lin, a VP at JPMorgan Chase & Co., about how, if she's in a business meeting, and has a great idea….. but the meeting is composed of, say, eight men and then her as the only woman….. would she think twice about how to convey the idea? Would she switch up how she worded things, or her body language, or her tone of voice, based on the gender imbalance of her workplace? 其中有一个女孩——她向摩根大通公司的副总裁,阿丽尔·约翰逊·林(女士)提出一个问题:如果她参加一个商业会议,并且有一个绝妙的主意…但是,作为唯一(在场)的女性,会议由八位男性和她组成的…她会三思而后行吗?她是否会因为工作场合中性别(比例)的不平衡,来改变自己的措辞、肢体语言或语调? Again, I was just blown away. I mean, we're talking about a 14-year-old kid here, having the knowledge and sophistication to take a simple camp Q&A session to that level. And questions like hers — those really are the questions that young women continue to have to ask about the workplace in 2018. And that's because it's still so deeply ingrained in them, even in 2018, that inequality is just a thing you have to come to expect. 再一次,我大吃一惊了。我的意思是,我们谈论的只是一个14岁的孩子,她所具备知识和老练,竟能把简单的夏令营问答环节提升到这样的层次。像她所提出的这些问题,确实是年轻女性在2018年不断在职场中所抛出的问题。这是因为这个问题仍然根深蒂固,即使在2018年,不平等依然是你必须要面对的事情。 Ariel answered the question beautifully. There was a long version, but I'll give you the short one, which was: Be yourself. Be good, and try to be great — but always be yourself. You could see all of the girls at the camp nodding in unison, and I have to be honest: that was a really powerful moment for me. 阿丽尔完美地解答了这个问题。阿丽尔的答案说来话长,但我长话短说:做你自己。做个好人,并且努力做个伟大的人——但永远做你自己。你可以看到在营地的所有女孩子都一致点头,我必须诚实(地说):对我来说,那是一个非常有感染力的时刻。 It was a satisfying feeling, to know we had put these girls in this position where they could connect with some role models, share their experiences and their ideas, and really just hoop, and be themselves — and feel like the main event. But while that moment was satisfying … I'm not even close to satisfied. In fact, I'm feeling more driven than ever — to help out women who are working toward progress, in any way that I can. 让这些女孩子有机会和一些榜样人物进行交流、分享经验和想法,让这些女孩子只是倾心于篮球这项运动,做她们自己,并且想要参与到重要事件之中,这是一种令人心满意足的感觉。虽然这一刻很让人满足……但是,总的来说是不够满足的。事实上,我感觉比以往任何时候都更有动力——想要尽我所能,去帮助那些正在朝着前方努力前行的女性摆脱困难。 Let's work to close the opportunity gap. Let's work to close the pay gap. And let's work together on this. I mean, "women deserve equality" — that's not politics, right? 让我们努力减少机会的缺失。让我们努力男女付出回报的差距。让我们一起为此努力。我的意思是,“女性理应平等”——这不是政治,对吧? That's not something that people are actually disagreeing on, is it? It can't be. Earlier this summer, a few weeks after the season ended, Ayesha and I were blessed with the birth of our third child, Canon — our first son. And one of the things that has been most on my mind, since then, is the idea of what it means now to raise a boy in this world. 这不会成为众矢之的,不是么?当然不会。前段时间,这个赛季刚结束后的几周,我和阿耶莎有幸迎接我们第三个孩子,卡农——我们第一个儿子的出生。从那以后,我最关心的事情之一,就是现在,在这个世界上,抚养一个男孩到底意味着什么。 I already know, just based on his gender alone, that Canon will probably have advantages in life that his sisters can only dream of. How do you make honest sense of that as a parent? What are the values, in this moment, to instill in a son? It's a lot to think about. But in the end … I think the answer is pretty simple. 我早已明白,仅仅基于他的性别,卡农可能已经拥有了他姐姐们这辈子都可望而不可即的优势。作为一名家长,你怎样做才能让一切有理可依?这种情况下,会让一个男孩子形成怎样的价值观?这是一个值得深思熟虑的事情但最终,我发现答案其实相当简单 I think you tell him the same thing that we told those girls last week at our camp: Be yourself. Be good, and try to be great — but always be yourself. I think you teach him to always stay listening to women, to always stay believing in women, and — when it comes to anyone's expectations for women — to always stay challenging the idea of what's right. 我想,你应该告诉他我们上周在训练营告诉女孩们的那句话:做你自己,做个好人,并且努力做个伟大的人——但永远做你自己。我认为,你应该教他善于倾听女性的心声,永远相信女性。而且,当涉及到外界对女性的期望时,要敢于挑战那些看似正确的想法 And I think you let him know that, for his generation, to be a true supporter of women's equality — it's not enough anymore to be learning about it. You have to be doing it. It's 2018 — school's out. It's time to go to work. 同时,我觉得你应该让他明白,对于他们这一代人来说,要成为真正的女性平等支持者——仅了解是远远不够的。你必须有所行动,已经是2018年了,纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。

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