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时间: 2018-06-17 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Asian-Americans are now the most economically divided racial or ethnic group in the US, displacing African-Americans, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of US Census Bureau data. 皮尤研究中心对美国人口普查局的数据进行的最新分析显示,如今,亚裔美国人取代非洲裔美国人成为美国经济状况差距最大的种族或民族。 Income inequality among Asian-Americans has nearly doubled from 1970 to 2016. 从1970年到2016年,亚裔美国人的收入不平等水平几乎翻了一番。 While rich Asians have become the highest-earning group in the nation, income growth among poor Asians has largely stagnated. 虽然富裕的亚裔已成为美国收入最高的群体,但贫困亚裔的收入水平基本上没有增长。

This trend mirrors that of other racial groups, though income inequality has accelerated fastest among Asians. 同样的情况在其他族裔群体中也存在,但亚裔人群中的收入不平等的程度却增长得最快。 By 2016, Asians in the top 10th of income distribution earned about $120,000 more than those in the bottom 10th. 截至2016年,能够获得收入分配中最高的10%的亚裔比获得最低10%的亚裔约多赚12万美元。 Disparities among Asian-Americans are primarily driven by the different levels of education, skills and English-language proficiency among the many groups that make up the diaspora. 亚裔美国人来自许多不同的移民群体,他们的收入差距主要是因教育水平、技能和英语熟练程度的不同引起的。 People from India and China have higher incomes than those from Southeast Asia because they have higher levels of education on average. 来自印度和中国的移民比来自东南亚的移民收入更高,因为前者的平均受教育程度更高。

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