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时间: 2018-05-24 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Move over Emma Stone, Tinseltown has a new highest-paid actress. Scarlett Johansson leads this year's ranking with $40.5 million in pretax earnings between June 1, 2017 and June 1, 2018, making her acting's top-earning female lead. 除了爱玛·斯通,好莱坞又出了一位高薪女演员。2017年6月至2018年6月间,斯嘉丽·约翰逊的税前收入高达4050万美元,成为女演员中收入最高者。 Playing Black Widow in Marvel's Avengers movies has become a lucrative role for Johansson, who quadruples her 2017 earnings to bump Stone from No. 1. She'll return onscreen for the fourth installment of the superhero conglomerate series in 2019. 斯嘉丽在漫威《复仇者联盟》中饰演黑寡妇,该角色让她获利不少,收入比2017年翻了四番,由此超越爱玛·斯通,拿下第一的宝座。2019年,斯嘉丽也将以《复仇者联盟4》中的超级英雄角色登上荧屏。 "The percent of budget cost have certainly skewed heavy, particularly on the Avengers movies, to cast now, whereas maybe in the early ones it was more visual effects or below the line," said Kevin Feige, Marvel Studios President and producer last year. "But that's okay because [the actors] are the best effects." 漫威总裁兼制作人凯文·费奇说:“电影预算成本的比例现在非常扭曲,尤其是《复仇者联盟》,大部分钱都给演员了,以前投资都是花在视觉效果或者线下推广上。不过现在演员就是最大的流量,我们还能接受。” Johansson edges Angelina Jolie (No. 2; $28 million) who returns to the ranking thanks largely to her upfront pay for Maleficent 2. Jennifer Aniston (No. 3; $19.5 million) still earns big bucks 14 years after the conclusion of Friends, making most of her money by endorsing the likes of Emirates airlines, Smartwater and Aveeno. 幸好安吉丽娜朱莉此前拍摄了《沉睡魔咒2》,以2800万美元的收入位列榜单第二,斯嘉丽险胜安吉丽娜朱莉。第三名是收入达1950万美元的詹妮弗·安妮斯顿,在《老友记》结束14年后依然收入颇丰,收入主要来源于阿联酋航空、高端瓶装水和艾维诺的代言。 Expect her paycheck to skyrocket next year when production begins on her forthcoming Apple series with Reese Witherspoon (No. 5; $16.5 million), for which the pair will receive an estimated $1.25 million an episode. 明年,詹妮弗和收入1650万美元、位列第五的瑞茜·威瑟斯彭共同拍摄的苹果系列就要上线,据说两人一集的片酬高达125万美元,期待到时詹妮弗凯旋榜单。 Just ahead of Witherspoon, who rejoins the list with movie earnings and Big Little Lies paychecks, is Jennifer Lawrence. The Hunger Games actress' two most recent movies, Mother! and Red Sparrow, underperformed at the box office. But she still commands big bucks for her turns in the X-Men series and a high-paying Dior contract. 詹妮弗·劳伦斯重回榜单,险胜第五名因电影和美剧《大小谎言》的片酬收入的瑞茜。虽然出演了《饥饿游戏》,但是詹妮弗的新晋电影《母亲!》和《红雀》却票房不佳。幸好有《X战警》和迪奥代言扳回一局。 Together, the world's 10 highest-paid actresses tallied a combined $186 million between June 1, 2017, and June 1, 2018, before fees and taxes. Earnings estimates are based on data from Nielsen, ComScore, Box Office Mojo and IMDB, as well as interviews with industry insiders. All figures are pretax; fees for agents, managers and lawyers are not deducted. Overall, the cumulative total is up 16% from $172.5 million in 2017. 2017到2018年6月,全球十大高薪女演员的税前总收入达到1.86亿美元,数据来自尼尔森、网络数据计算公司ComScore、Box Office Mojo和互联网电影资料库以及行业人士的采访。所有收入均为税前收入,经纪人、经理和律师的分成均未撇除。总体来说,比2017年的总收入1.725亿美元上涨了16%。 The list examined actresses the world over, including Australian Cate Blanchett (No. 8; $12.5 million) and Israeli Gal Gadot (No. 10; $10 million). Gadot, whose turn as Wonder Woman catapulted her to fame, is the only newcomer on the ranking. The Patty Jenkins-directed blockbuster tallied $821.8 million at the box office and scored a sequel, which accounts for the majority of Gadot's payday this year. Though she only made an estimated six figures for the first installment, her increased quote, coupled with a Revlon endorsement, launched her among the highest-paid. 位列榜单的全球女演员还有第八位凯特·布兰切特,收入为1250万美元,以及第十位盖尔·加朵,1000万美元。盖尔·加朵的《神奇女侠》让她名声大噪,也是榜单上唯一的新人。由派蒂·杰金斯导演的《神奇女侠》累积票房高达8.218亿美元,这也为续集做了保障,这两部的片酬是盖尔·加朵今年的主要收入来源。虽然第一部只有六位数的片酬,但是露华浓的代言为她登上榜单帮了不少忙。 "There was such an obsession in the industry that teenage boys were the primary target box office," said Jenkins, who helmed the smash hit and will be directing and writing its sequel for an estimated $7 million. "The industry has had a hard time shifting to acknowledging that they need to hit a more diverse audience." 派蒂·杰金斯也将参与第二部的导演与剧本创作,她说:“电影行业很吸引人,主要受众是年轻男孩儿。不过一直以来电影业都在艰难转型,需要打开更广阔的观众市场。”

Currently, female characters fill only 28.7% of all speaking roles in film, according to a 2016 study. That lack of roles means that there are fewer opportunities for female stars to earn big bucks. This year, only two women broached the $20 million mark, down from three in 2017 and four in 2016. 2016年调查发现,目前女性演员在电影行业中出演的有台词角色仅为28.7%。角色的匮乏意味着女演员赚到钱的机会更少。今年仅有两位女性艰难达成2000万美元的成绩,2017年为三人,2016年四人。 Notably absent: Amy Adams, Emma Watson, Charlize Theron and last year's top-ranked Emma Stone, who all failed to earn above the $10 million cut off for this year's list and dropped off the ranking. 缺席榜单的有:艾米·亚当斯、艾玛·沃森、查理兹·塞隆和去年的第一名艾玛·斯通。这些女演员的收入不足1000万美元,未能上榜。 Roles for women who are no longer young ingenues are few and far between. Yet the highest-paid actresses buck that trend: 60% of this year's list members are over the age of 40. Some have forged their own roles to build opportunities for themselves: Witherspoon cofounded her Pacific Standard production company and Hello Sunshine media house to option rights for female-led parts. . Others, like Aniston, supplement acting income with hefty endorsement deals. 已过花季的女演员很难接到角色,但是高薪女演员颠覆了这个趋势:60%的榜单人选已逾40岁。一些演员也在努力为自己创造角色。瑞茜和别人联合创立了电影制作公司Pacific Standard和媒体工作室Hello Sunshine,也一直都在争取更多的女主角。像詹妮弗这样的演员则通过高价代言增加收入。

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