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时间: 2018-05-29 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

You can stop pestering the BoJack Horseman about the Season 5 premiere date now. 现在你可以不用纠结马男波杰克的上映日期了。 The team behind the show revealed that you're getting new episodes of the adult comedy animated series Friday, September 14 on Netflix. 该剧的幕后团队透露,9月14日周五,你将在奈飞上看到这部成人喜剧动画系列的新剧集。 The big reveal came as a response to a fan who asked when the new season would premiere. 这一重大消息的出现是对一名粉丝提出的不知道新一季首播时间的回应。 Bojack Horseman follows a failed '90s sitcom star — who also happens to be a horse — battling self-loathing, alcoholism and failed relationships as he attempts to make a major comeback. 马男波杰克讲述的是一位90年代失败的情景喜剧明星——碰巧也是一匹马——在试图东山再起时,与自我厌恶、酗酒和失败的恋爱关系之中作斗争。

The show has been praised for its depiction of depression, endless animal puns and impressive visual jokes. 这部电视剧因其对抑郁、无尽的动物双关语和令人印象深刻的视觉笑话的刻画而广受好评。 It was created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg who also serves as executive producer alongside Arnett and Paul. 这部剧是由拉尔菲尔·鲍勃·瓦克斯伯格创作的,他与阿内特和保罗一起担任执行制片人。 The Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney developed the series' main theme with his uncle Ralph Carney. 黑键乐队的鼓手Patrick Carney和他的叔叔Ralph Carney共同打造了这部电视剧的主要主题。 Season 5 of BoJack Horseman heads to Netflix on Friday, Sept. 14. 《马男波杰克》第五季将于9月14日周五回归奈飞。

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