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时间: 2018-06-29 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

Starbucks has opened a cafe in Mexico City that will hire exclusively elderly staff. 星巴克在墨西哥城开了一家专门雇用老年人的咖啡厅。 The coffee chain has been working with the National Institute for the Elderly since 2011 in order to launch an initiative that offers senior citizens more employment opportunities. 自2011年以来,星巴克咖啡连锁店一直与国家老年人研究所合作,旨在推出一项为老年人提供更多就业机会的倡议。 This particular branch, based in the Colonia del Valle neighbourhood, has taken on 14 people between the ages of 50 and 66 as part of the programme thus far. 这个特殊的分店位于科洛尼亚德尔瓦莱社区,迄今为止已有14名50至66岁的参与者。 Shifts will be capped at six-and-a-half hours and employees will be entitled to medical insurance for major expenses. 上班时间限制在六个半小时,员工的医疗保险覆盖了大多数费用。 They will also be given two days off each week and will be trained by younger employees until they feel confident enough to go it alone. 他们也将拥有每周两天的休息时间,并将接受年轻员工的培训,直到他们有足够的信心独自完成工作, The cafe will operate much like any other normal Starbucks with the exception of minor adjustments made to the store's layout - such as lowered shelves - to reduce the risk of employees injuring themselves. 咖啡馆的运作方式与任何其他正常的星巴克一样,除了对商店的布局进行了微调 - 例如降低货架 - 以减少员工受伤的风险。

“It took us two years to land the best scheme to contribute to the elderly community in Mexico,” explains Christian Gurría, CEO of Starbucks Mexico. 星巴克墨西哥公司首席执行官克里斯蒂安·古里亚解释说:“我们花了两年的时间才找到并实施了能为墨西哥老年社区做出贡献的最佳方案。” “Opening the doors of our stores to senior baristas was not a goal, it was an act of congruence with the inclusion philosophy of Starbucks,” he told Mexican news agency Notimex. 他向墨西哥国家通讯社Notimex表示,“向高级咖啡师打开我们的大门并不是我们的目标,这是和星巴克的包容性理念一致的举动。” “It's becoming more difficult to employ people over 40 years of age, but the need to keep elderly people in work exists.“ 雇用40岁以上的员工变得越来越困难,但是社会仍需要让老年人继续工作。 “If the opportunity is there I'm happy to help.” “如果有机会,我很乐意提供帮助。” This particular branch is frequently visited by young people and students and the aim is to encourage interactions between them and the elderly staff. 年轻人和学生经常访问这个特殊的分店,我们希望能鼓励他们与老年员工之间的互动。 Gurría added that he hopes to expand Starbucks' elderly employment initiative by hiring at least 120 senior citizens in Mexican branches by the end of 2019. 古里亚补充说,他希望到2019年底,在墨西哥分店能雇佣至少120名老年员工,以扩大星巴克的老年人就业计划。

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