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时间: 2018-06-30 16:23; 作者: 作文网 

China will set up a comprehensive management network for treating children with leukemia, which will include all children with leukemia in the family doctor service network, the National Health Commission announced at a press conference last Tuesday. 国家卫生健康委员会在上周二的新闻发布会上宣布,中国将建立一个治疗白血病儿童的综合管理网络,将所有白血病儿童纳入家庭医生服务网络。 About 15,000 children are infected with acute lymphoblastic leukemia every year in China, with a cure rate of 70 percent to 80 percent. 中国每年约有15000名儿童感染急性淋巴细胞白血病,治愈率为70%至80%。 China has actively promoted the treatment and management of children with leukemia over recent years. Special treatment for rural poor children with leukemia is also being actively carried out. 近年来,中国积极推进白血病患儿的治疗和管理。对农村贫困儿童白血病的特殊治疗也正在积极开展。 Up to now, a total of 4,236 cases of rural impoverished kids with leukemia were treated nationwide. From February 2017 to September 2018, the actual reimbursement rate for treatment expenses increased from 49 percent to 81 percent. 截至目前,全国共收治农村贫困儿童白血病4236例。从2017年2月到2018年9月,治疗费用的实际报销比例从49%上升到81%。

Jiao Yahui, an official from the National Health Commission, stated that China will set a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system for children with leukemia. All provinces will designate hospitals for graded diagnosis and treatment of leukemic children. 国家卫生健康委员会官员焦亚辉表示,中国将为白血病患儿建立分级诊断和治疗体系。各省将指定医院对白血病儿童进行分级诊断和治疗。 The network allows all children with leukemia in the family doctor service to receive regular review, prevention and control of infections in homes and communities. 该网络允许家庭医生服务中的所有白血病儿童接受家庭和社区感染的定期检查、预防和控制。 China has stepped up special treatment for rural impoverished people with serious diseases, the National Health Commission said at a news conference. 国家卫生健康委员会在一场新闻发布会上称,中国已经加强了对患有严重疾病的农村贫困人口的特殊治疗。 By the end of August this year, 261,000 cases of serious illness had been confirmed, and 226,000 of them have been treated. Up to now, China has increased the type of serious diseases that it treats for the rural poverty-stricken population to 21. 到今年8月底,确诊的重病病例为261000例,其中226000例已得到治疗。目前为止,中国为农村贫困人口治疗的严重疾病种类已增加到21种。

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