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时间: 2021-02-09 14:40; 作者: 第一作文  电脑版浏览

1 、如果你是一朵花那牛都不拉粪了。

If you are a flower that cows don't pull the dung.

2 、听你说话,一种智商上的优越感油然而生。

To hear you speak, a kind of intelligence superiority arises spontaneously.

3 、请问一下:你的棺材是滑盖的还是翻盖的?

Excuse me: what's your coffin is slide or flip?

4 、他若是还说,你便说,真乖,叫你说就说。

If he said, you said, it's lovely, you said you like.

5 、其实你算什么呢,不过是一条乱吠的狗罢了。

Actually you consider as what, but that's just a disorderly barking dog.

6 、你丑到连长颈鹿看到你都可以在三秒内呕出来。

You ugly to even the giraffe see you can ou in three seconds.

7 、你说不要等你翻了身,可咸鱼翻身,还是咸鱼。

Don't wait for you to turn over a body, you say can be respected, and salted fish.

8 、要不是那晚,我忘了买套套,你早就被冲进下水道。

If it weren't for that night, I forgot to buy condoms, you would have been washed down the drain.

9 、要去医院吗?我带你去,是先去妇科还是精神科啊?

Want to go to the hospital? I take you to go to the department of gynaecology or psychiatrist?

1 0、你是不是觉得你胸小还替国家省布料了还挺骄傲啊。

Do you feel your chest be small also on behalf of the province of cloth is quite proud.

1 1 、应该立刻把你从鸡窝里揪出来,然后关到监狱里去!

Should immediately put you out from the henhouse, then go to jail.

1 2、这么不要脸,这么没心没肺,你的体重应该会很轻吧?

So shameless, so heartless, you should be very light weight?

1 3 、打是亲骂是爱,别总骂你妈,都快跟你妈产生感情了。

Play is close to scold is love, don't scold your mother, are coming to the emotions with your mother.

1 4、瞅你走个道还昂首挺胸的,别撑了,再撑就一个小馒头。

Chou you go a way also self-respect, don't hold, hold out a small steamed bun.

1 5 、你这也是可持续性发展啊,从这个学校骚到现在这个学校。

You this is sustainable development, from the school SAO to the school now.

  • 上一篇:文明骂人的话
  • 下一篇:想对老师说的话
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