

时间: 2023-08-04 栏目:工作总结


1、Welcome to our hotel、


2、Have you made a reservation,sir?


3、Just a moment。please、I’11 check the arrival list、


4、Would you like a room with a view of the river}sea}beach?


5、Would you mind filling in this registration form?


6、May I have a print of your card?


7、Would you pay 1000 yuan deposit?


8、Here's the key tO Room 908 and your Room Card、Please keep them、


9、 I’m afraid that your room is not ready yet,would you mind waiting a moment,please?


10、The bellman will help you with your baggage and show you up、



1、How long will you be staying?您打算住多久?

2、We'll be leaving Sunday morning、我们将在星期天上午离开。

3、So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共带了4件行李,是不是?

5、 Let me have a check again、让我再看一下。

6、The Reception Desk is straight ahead、接待处就在前面。

7、After you, please、你先请。

8、We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant、Which one do you prefer?


9、I'd like to try some Chinese food today、今天我想尝尝中国菜。

10、How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?您准备住多久?

11、Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you?


12、What should I fill in under ROOM NUMBER?“房间号码”这一栏我该怎么填呢?

13、I'll put in the room number for you later on、过会儿我来给您填上房间号码。

14、You forgot to put in the date of your departure、您忘了填写离店日期了。

15、And here is your key,Mr、Bradley、Your room number is 1420、


16、 That's no problem at all、没问题。6

17、Is this everything, sir?这是全部东西吗,先生?

18、Here's the light switch、这是电灯开关。

19、Here's the closet and there's the bathroom、这儿是壁柜。这儿是洗澡间。

20、 Well,if you need anything else,please call room service、


21、 Let me help you with your luggage、我来帮您拿行李。

22、It's very kind of you to do so、你这样做使我很感激。

23、How do you like this room?您觉得这个房间怎么样?

24、It's also quite spacious、房间也很宽敞。

25、 Do you mind if I put your luggage by the wardrobe?我把您的行李搁在衣柜旁边好吗?

26、If you want to take a walk, you can go to the garden、如果您想散步,可以去花园。

27、There is a recreation centre on the ground floor、在一楼有个娱乐中心。

28、 You can play billiards,table tennis,bridge,and go bowling、


29、 Would you please tell me the daily service hours of the dining room?


30、From 7∶00 a、m、till 10∶00 p、m、nearly serving all day long、


31、Does the guest house offer any other service?宾馆里还有哪些服务项目?

32、I need some information about touring Hangzhou、我想了解关于游览杭州的情况。


Registration 入住登记 signature 签名 offer 提供 receipt 收据

registration form 登记表格 fill 填写 receptionist 接待员 bellboy 服务员



I hope to get a room for the night、我想要个今晚的房间。 有时候简单的表达同样适用,所以口语部分不用太过纠结要用的词汇,词意表达更加重要。

Do you have a reservation?您有预订吗?这个reservation比较适用,我们平常用动词的`时候也可以用reserve和book、

Let me see if I can fit you in、让我看看能不能为您安排。

What kind of room do you want?您想要什么样的房间呢?问房型的时候也可以用what types of room do you want?

I only need a single room、 我只需要一个单人间。对应的房型,我们之前在另外的文章中介绍过,最常用的另外两种房型就是double room和standard room了,一个是双人房,另外一个是标准房。

Smoking or non-smoking? 吸烟房还是无烟房?

Smoking if possible、 最好是吸烟房。

You are in luck, we have one free、 您很幸运,我们有一间空房间。

I am very grateful、 How much will it be? 我很感谢,房间价钱是多少呢?

Could I have your credit card please? 能给我您的信用卡吗?

I don’t have it with me、 我现在没有带着信用卡。

Do you take debit cards or should I pay with cash? 你们这儿能刷借记卡(贷记卡)吗?或者我可以付现金吗?

A debit card will be fine、您可以刷贷记卡。

Would you mind filling in this form and pay a hundred yuan in advance for him、 请填好这张表格并预付100元钱。

Please fill in this registration form。请填好这张登记表格。

This is a receipt for paying in advance、 Please keep it、 这是预付款收据,请收好。

Now, please pay at the cashier desk over there firstly、 首先请去那边出纳柜台付款。

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