

时间: 2023-03-27 栏目:好句子

1、And you will know my name is the lord when i lay my vengeance upon thee.

2、Pumpkin: I dont want to kill anybody either、But theyll probably put us in a situation where its us or them、And if its not the gooks, its these old fucking Jews whove owned the store for fifteen fucking generations, youve got Grampa Irving sitting behind the counter with a fucking Magnum in his hand、Try walking into one of those places with nothing but a phone, see how far you get.


4、Vincent: You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup?


6、for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children.










16、Mia: I do believe Marsellus Wallace, my husband, your boss, told you to take ME out and do WHATEVER I WANTED、Now I wanna dance, I wanna win、I want that trophy, so dance good.


18、blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness,






24、Yolanda: Im not gonna kill anybody.






30、Yolanda: You want to rob banks?


32、Pumpkin: Im not saying I want to rob banks, Im just illustrating that if we did, itd be easier than what weve been doing.



35、Pumpkin: What have we been talking about? Yeah, no more liquor stores、Besides, it aint the giggle it used to be、Too many foreigners own liquor stores these days、Vietnamese, Koreans, they dont even speak fucking English、You tell them, empty out the register, they dont know what the fuck youre talking about、They make it too personal, one of these gook fuckers is gonna make us kill him.


37、Pumpkin: The way it is now, youre taking the same risk as when you rob a bank、You take more of a risk, banks are easier、You dont even need a gun in a federal bank、I mean, theyre insured, why should they give a fuck? I heard of this one guy, walks into a bank with a portable phone、He gives the phone to the teller, a guy on the other end of the line says, weve got this guys little girl, if you dont give him all your money, were gonna kill her.

38、Pumpkin: I dont know, there probably never was a little girl in the first place、The point of the story isnt the little girl, the point of the story is, they robbed a bank with a telephone.

39、And i will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.


41、JULES:Theres a passage I got memorized、Ezekiel 25:17、The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men、Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness、For he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children、And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers、And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you、I been sayin that shit for years、And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass、I never really questioned what it meant、I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker fore you popped a cap in his ass、But I saw some shit this mornin made me think twice、Now Im thinkin, it could mean youre the evil man、And Im the righteous man、And Mr、.45 here, hes the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness、Or it could mean youre the righteous man and Im the shepherd and its the world thats evil and selfish、Id like that、But that shit aint the truth、The truth is youre the weak、And Im the tyranny of evil men、But Im tryin、Im tryin real hard to be a shepherd.

42、Yolanda: No more liquor stores?


44、The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the tyranny of evil man.



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