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时间: 2013-07-09 11:08; 作者: 作文网 

  I will live this day as if it is my last.
  And if it is my last, it will be my greatest monument. This day I will make the best day of my life. This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will make the every hour count and each minute I will trade only for something of value. I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue. I will make more calls than ever before. I will sell more goods than ever before. I will earn more gold than ever before. Each minute of today will be more fruitful than hours of yesterday. My last must be my best.
  I will live this day as if it is my last. And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks.
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