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时间: 2021-02-08 20:00; 作者: 第一作文  电脑版浏览

1 、看你那张脸长得就像插座、欠插。

Look at your face looks like a socket, owe it.

2 、我要说你是个二愣子,我都是表扬你。

I want to say you're a rash fellow, I praise you.

3 、你的小脑真发达,把大脑的地儿都占了。

Your cerebellum is developed, the brain's place is accounted for.

4 、你浪费的粮食都会堵在你去往天堂的路上。

You waste food would down on your way to the heaven.

5 、别在这里秀下限了,真心不懂你的脑残世界。

Don't show lower limit here, really don't understand your brain remnants of the world.

6 、你个鳖货,你妈逼的还是你日的野狗日变异了。

A turtle, you fucking you day is for the dragons of the variation.

7 、长的丑不是你的错,可是出来吓人就是你的错!

Long ugly isn't you of wrong, but it guy that is your fault!

8 、混帐东西别在这碍着我的眼,看见你就觉得厌烦。

Motherfucker don't in this matter with my eyes, and see you I feel bored.

9 、拜托你不要认为世界上所有的生物都跟你一样好么?

Please don't think all the creatures in the world like you?

1 0、谁碰到你这个衰人谁就倒霉,你他妈的就是一灾星。

Who met you who this guy is bad, you fucking is a tormentor.

1 1 、你现在跑去照一照镜子,看一下痔疮是不是长脸上了。

Now run as a look in the mirror, you look at the piles is long face.

1 2、你能和蝼蚁相提并论,因为你就和蝼蚁一样贪生怕死。

Can you and worm, because you are as death and worm.

1 3 、我不敢相信眼前的证据,出卖我的竟然是最亲的兄弟。

I can't believe the present evidence, betray me turned out to be the most close brother.

1 4、睡着睡着就觉得自己漂亮的天理不容,然后睡不下去了。

Sleep sleep feel pretty abhorrent, then sleep not bottom go to.

1 5 、八百里都能闻到你骚味,真是为你感到非常不要脸的骄傲。

Can smell you SAO in eight hundred, is really very shameless proud of you.

16 、你感到前所未有的害怕了吗?你的心是否正在狂速的跳动。

Did you feel the unprecedented fear? Are your heart beat crazy speed.

1 7 、没见过你这么笨的,你那是猪脑子吗,怎么就那么不开窍呢!

Haven't seen you so stupid, you is that a pig brain, how so don't begin to understand!

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