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时间: 2021-02-09 00:00; 作者: 第一作文  电脑版浏览

1 、太阳那么大,都没把你脑子给晒黑。

The sun so big, don't give your mind to tan.

2 、这是谁家的狗没喂饱,来我这里乱咬?

Who is the dog didn't feed, bites to me?

3 、整天把性生活当饭吃的人,能有多高贵。

The sex life when people eat all day, can have more noble.

4 、没有心的魔鬼跟我谈爱情,真是可笑至极。

No heart devil to talk to me about love, this is ridiculous.

5 、不要以为你晒黑了就能掩盖你是白痴的事实。

Tanned don't think you can hide the fact that you're an idiot.

6 、MD怎么都是一群心眼比毛细血孔还细的人呐!

How is a group of eye MD thinner than a blood capillary hole people!

7 、诶!说你呐!你没看见这里不让宠物进来吗?

Either! Says you! Can't you see don't let the pet in here?

8 、不要逼我在我和你妈之间加太多的动词行不行?

Don't make me between your mother and I add too many verbs line not line?

9 、我忘了世界还有一种人火星人,你从那来的吧。

I forget the world still have a kind of Mars, that you come from.

1 0、抽,是一种生活艺术;找抽,是一种生活态度。

Smoking, it is a kind of living art; Looking for smoke, is a kind of attitude to life.

1 1 、连大街上的流浪女也不放过,你可真是猪狗不如。

Even the homeless in the streets, your dog is a real pig.

1 2、长相愚蠢就算了,你偏偏还是一个没有用的废物。

Looks foolish to calculate, you still just a useless waste.

1 3 、你跟谁整那表情呢,我欠你贷款要到期了还是咋的。

With whom did you whole the expression, I owe you loans to expire or zha.

1 4、你的人生已经完全没有希望了,为什么还不放弃治疗?

Your life has no hope, why don't give up?

1 5 、你回去抱着你妈痛哭好吗?只有你妈能给你安慰了行吗?

You back and hold your mother crying? Only your mother can give you comfort?

16 、你左边脸撕下来贴在右边脸上,左边不要脸,右边厚脸皮。

You left face off on the right face, shame on you, on the left on the right cheek.

1 7 、请你不要用你的排泄器官对我说话,这是很不礼貌的,谢谢!

Please don't use your excretion organs to talk to me, this is very impolite, thank you!

19 、看见你我就知道凤姐有伴儿了,老肥猪上屠,你这挨刀的货。

Saw you I knew feng are attached, tu on old pig, you this knife.

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